The whey obtained as a by-product after the transformation of the milk into curd is concentrated through a high-efficiency cogenerator.
Learn about our history and our values.
From animal welfare to environmental impact. We support sustainable production throughout the entire supply chain.
supply our production site.
separate water from sludge and produce natural fertilisers.
96% OF THE WATER USED COMES FROM OWNED WELLS, avoiding endangering the water supply of local communities.
Whey recovery allows up to 31 thousand liters of water to be re-used each year.
The whey obtained as a by-product after the transformation of the milk into curd is concentrated through a high-efficiency cogenerator.
The residual water, which represents over 85% of the concentrated whey , is then used for initial rinsing of the plant, thus obtaining a considerable water saving effect.
The concentrated whey is further treated by third parties and used as ingredient in the production of food and pharmaceutical products.
The co-generator allows us to gain 3 advantages: an electrical supply provided to the plant, the steam produced by the activity of the co-generator itself.
The steam is then conveyed through a heat exchanger to the milk tanks to bring the milk to the temperature required to process the cheese.
The same steam then becomes hot water used in the air conditioning system to obtain the correct ratio between temperature and humidification of the maturing rooms.
WE have adopted thinner packages without varying our quality and safety standards.
IN 2023, we saved 14.000 kg of virgin plastic.
To guarantee the animal welfare through all the supply chain we adopted ClassyFarm. This Certification is an importan evaluation tool to monitor the freedom of movement, the animal feed, the construction criteria of farms and feed crop cultivation. They are important parameters to improve the nutritional values and the organoleptic characteristics of the milk used in our products.
99% of employees with a permanent contract.
Annually, we award scholarship to the most deserving high school students and give the opportunity to participate to internship.
In 2025 we started the "Persona & Lavoro" project, aimed to integrate disabled and socially disadvantaged people into the professional world. This project represents a virtuous example of collaboration aimed at creating quality employment, enabling people with disabilities and/or social disadvantages to acquire professional skills applicable in a corporate environment.